
A nonprofit organization that promotes preventive medicine, conducts clinical research, and encourages higher standards for ethics and effectiveness in research. Visit site... |

Working to end cruetly to animals.
Visit site... |

A non-profit non-governmental organization involved with the investigation and documentation of violations of international laws, regulations, and treaties protecting marine wildlife species.Visit site... |

This organization's mission and purpose is to consolidate like-minded seal kill opponents, as well as efforts, information, and solutions in implementing effective strategies for ending the annual Canadian harp seal slaughter. Visit site... |

For people who love to expand their mind and travel as cheaply as possible, have creative ideas and want to publish their own books, then need asset protection to protect their hard earned dollars. Visit site... |

PETA believes that animals deserve the most basic rights - consideration of their own best interests regardless of whether they are useful to humans. Visit site... |

EarthSave educates people about the powerful effects our food choices have on the environment, our health and all life on Earth, and encourages a shift toward a healthy, plant-based diet. Visit site... |

"Milk is a bad news substance". Visit site... |
http://www.brigittemars.com -
Rawsome, by author
Brigitte Mars. This a brand new raw food cook book to add
to your collection! Brigitte has written eight other beautiful
books on how to use herbs and essential oils.
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